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Silent Hill 2 Remake What To Expect

Silent Hill 2 Remake: What to Expect

The Original Silent Hill 2 Ignited Our imaginations

When we set out to create the remake, our main goal was to recapture that same spark by fully updating the game for modern audiences. We wanted to preserve the atmosphere, story, and characters that made the original so special, while also bringing the game's visuals and gameplay up to modern standards.

Watch the creepy new Silent Hill 2 trailer!

The trailer, which was unveiled at today's Sony State of Play, gives us our first good look at the game's visuals and atmosphere. The game looks absolutely stunning, with a detailed and atmospheric world that captures the essence of the original. The trailer also gives us a glimpse of some of the new gameplay mechanics, including the ability to use objects in the environment to solve puzzles and fight enemies.

The Silent Hill 2 remake is set to release on PS5 and PC on October 8, 2024. Pre-orders are now available on the PlayStation Store and Steam.
